Where Are You Located
- 7197 BOULDER AVE STE 12, Highland CA 92346
What Are Your Hours
- M-Fri 8:30AM - 4:30 PM
Do I Need A License To Shop Here
- Nope! No license needed.
Do You Accept Appointments
- Walk-ins are welcomed and appointments are available.
How Long Will It Take For My Order To Arrive
- Orders are shipped out M-F, excluding US holidays. Most orders are processed and shipped out within 1-2 business days (larger orders will take multiple extra days). Shipping estimates are available at checkout when selecting a priority or express service. Promotional FREE standard shipping will go out either USPS or FedEx and typically arrives 5-7 business days after shipping.
Full Set Orders
- Full set orders may take additional business days to pack and ship. All colors are not guaranteed to be available. If some colors are out of stock, we will try our best to acquire them. If it is not available, we may refund the missing items at the promotion price. Substitution may not be available. If a larger quantity is not available from the full set, we will notify you by email and by phone.
How To Check Order Status
- An email confirmation will be sent to you and you can click "View Your Order." You can also contact us @TL Beauty Supply on FaceBook or email us at Tlbeautysupply@gmail.com
What Is Your Return Policy
- Please see here
How To Cancel Order
- Please notify us immediately if there are any mistakes on your order. Orders are processed M-F and typically sent to packing team as quickly as possible. We are unable to change delivery addresses, if we are able to, we will cancel your order and a new one can be placed.
There Is An Issue With My Order
- We try our best to ensure packing and items are shipped correctly, but if we make a mistake, we will take care of it! Email Tlbeautysupply@gmail.com or call us at 909-379-4579 to resolve it ASAP.
I Have An Item That Worked And Is Now Broken Outside The Return Period
- Manufacturers want to service their devices directly to ensure quality repairs and warranty registration. Customers will need to contact the manufacturer according to their warranty policy. We are unable to repair or replace warranty items.
Overnight Shipping
- Overnight shipping is not placing an order at 10 P.M. and then arriving the following morning. It is overnight from the day of shipping.
- Orders need to be placed before 10 A.M. PST to count as the beginning of the first 24 hours.
- All orders take 1 business day to process, and then will ship at selected speed.
- Exceptions may include if it is a small order, then it may ship out the same day with overnight shipping. If it's a large order, it will take the full 24 hours before shipping to fulfill. It will go out the next business day, then overnight from that day.